Food Pick-Up /Sort Clothes

Tuesday mornings from 7:00 am to 8:30 am to pick up food at the Akron-Canton Food Bank.

Tuesday evenings at Greensburg United Methodist at 6:00 pm to sort clothing.

Volunteer Operations

Wednesday mornings from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm to set up, sort and distribute food and clothing, and provide direct assistance to clients. Volunteers are welcome to stay for any amount of time.

Community Drives

School Supply Giveaway: Provide basic school supplies, socks, and underwear. Help organize, set up and tear down of the giveaway event in August.

Christmas Gift Program: Provide gifts for a family, donate unwrapped gifts, set up and tear down of the giveaway event in early December.

Public Operation Hours:

Wednesdays from 9:00 am to12:30 pm. Doors open at 8:30 am; clients are accepted until 12:00 pm.


Green Good Neighbors is closed when Green Local Schools are closed for snow. Green Good Neighbors will remain open during school closures due solely to cold weather.


Holiday Schedule for 2019: Green Good Neighbors will be closed Wednesday, December 25 and Wednesday, January 1, 2020.